Taking a break from repord cards to play with the layout of my blog again. I think I will keep this one for a while :) If you are new to Whole Brain Teaching or just want to be up on all things WBT be sure to visit and bookmark the links in the top left. These are the official WBT links where you can download ebooks, visit the forum to chat with other WBT'ers, get info on FREE conferences and of course watch WBT in action through videos. The blog list on the right will lead you to other WBT blogs where teachers are sharing their experiences with WBT. It is wonderful to read and share with follow WBT'ers on the web.
As I was working on my final report cards I noticed something interesting, attendance. Once we started playing SuperSpeed to start the day my tardies went way down. Think I will start that as Morning Work earlier in the year next year :)