28 August 2011

First Days in ..... Kinder!

So all summer I thought this would happen, went to set up my room and was told it probably would NOT happen and what happened Tuesday afternoon with school starting Wednesday? I was switched from first grade to morning kindergarten! I ended up starting the first day with the first graders I was going to have this year and the wonderful sub the school got for them in Room 501, then did some re organizing in my classroom, 104, and met with the afternoon kinders since all my students were placed in afternoon. Parents were happy to hear from the principals (we have co-principals) that we would now have a third morning kindergarten with me as the teacher.
With all the chaos of switching grades and not knowing what to expect from kinder I didn't know what WBT I would get done the first day. I was able to go over class yes and the 5 rules with the first grade class to get them started. With the kinders I did class yes and rule number 1 on Wednesday, lines and seats on Tuesday and all 5 rules and score board on Friday. Not what I had planned but it is a start especially when I had a few different kids each day. Monday I should have mostly the students I will have for the rest of the year so I hope to start the week like Day 1 of  Andrea Schindler's WBT document for starting Kinder
I hope to have pictures to share next week after Back to School Night when I have permission slips.

17 August 2011

Next Webinar on Tuesday!


"Designing Your WBT Model Classroom:
The Universal Homework Model (UHM)"
Discover how to use peer pressure
and the reward of playing Mind Soccer
as student motivators to complete homework!
Tuesday (new day!), August 23, 2011
5 PM Pacific Standard Time
8 PM Eastern Standard Time
Text in your questions!

08 August 2011

Webinars Are Back


On the forums some people were asking about a summer refresher on WBT so I suggested we use the chat area on livestream. We had a wonderful chat time Friday that turned into a review of the new Sentence Ladder. 
 Come chat with Coach B, tomorrow, August 8. The chat is scheduled for 8 PM EASTERN time/5 PM Pacific. We'll be broadcasting live on Oral Writing.  If you can't make it tomorrow bookmark the site and mark your calendars because we talking about having several more.

03 August 2011

Get that printer ready!

It's time to sort all the summer goodies into the ToPrint folder on my desktop. There are the usually things like homework folder covers and name plates I can't print until I have my class list but also many new goodies to keep my color printer busy like new PowerPics and classroom rule posters. I have been using the posters in the Teaching Challenging Kids ebook but think it is time to shell out a few dollars for the high res posters from the WBT store. So much planning to do since I'm in a new classroom and have so much to get on my boards. What are you getting ready to print for 2011-2012?

02 August 2011

Getting geared up for 2011-2012

Hope everyone has been enjoying summer. I have taken some much needed family time and me time and hope you all have too. I love teaching, especially Whole Brain Teaching, but it is one part of my life and not my WHOLE life. It is easy to get caught up in prepping for school and spend hours on the computer looking at many wonderful blogs, ebooks and videos. I have decided to limit how much time I spend on school stuff this year so I am clearing out my favorites to the real gems and getting my files organized so I can continue to have family time and me time during the school year. Don't worry, I've planned in a little blogging time :)

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