11 August 2012

WBT Social Media Intern Project

I am sooooo excited! I am now a WBT Social Media Intern!!! My job is simple, use social media to spread the Whole Brain Teaching movement. We want as many teachers to know about the amazing, life changing tools Whole Brain Teaching offers as possible.What social media are we using?  EVERYTHING! Let's take a look at my favorites.

First we have the wonderful WBT Facebook pages that I am so loving. Be share to like the mani WBT page and the page for your grade level to get the latest WBT updates and join in on fabulous grade level conversations. Here are the Facebook Pages :

Next we have a new youtube channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/WBTWebcast. You can now watch, download and share all of the past WBT Tuesday webcasts! Such must watch tv :)

Finally we have a new Pinterest account, http://pinterest.com/wbteachers/ Please help us get started by following us and sharing your WBT pins so we can all spread WBT across Pinterest!

I can't wait to share more soon but I'm off for some much needed family time. :)


  1. Congrats Melissa!! I was SOOOOO excited today when I saw that WBT had a pinterest account. Keep up the good work :)

    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

  2. Congratulations! Can't wait to check out the Pinterest board. I'm already a member of the FB page.



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